Ambos habían perdido a sus respectivas madres en distintos momentos de su vida.
Él recordó en voz alta las últimas palabras que la suya le había dicho antes de morir:
“El arte es lo único que perdura”.
Su amiga lo miró confundida, como pensando en otra cosa. Confesó que las últimas palabras que le había dicho su madre eran:
“Nunca debiste hacerte el delineado permanente de los ojos”.
Y luego murió.
Both of them had lost their own mothers in different moments of their lives.
He remembered out loud the last words that his mother had said before dying:
“Art is the only thing that endures”.
His friend looked at him confused, like thinking in something else. She confessed that the last words that her mother had said to her were:
“You should had never outlined your eyes”.
And then she died.
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