Estas gaviotas son re-barderas y sin vergüenza. No les importa que la playa esté llena de gente. Bajan, se corretean entre ellas, se gritan, picotean de todo lo que ande suelto, cagan y mean donde se les antoje. Se parecen tanto a los primeros turistas que llegaron a comienzo del verano, cuando ellas disfrutaban de una playa que todavía les pertenecía.
Oak Street Beach, Chicago, IL
These seagulls are messy and shameless. They don’t care that the beach is full of people. They come down, they run after each other, they yell out, they peck all what is around them, they shit and piss wherever they want. They resemble so much the first tourists that arrived at the beginning of the summer, when these seagulls enjoyed a beach that still belonged to them.
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