
Una amiga viene indignada del cine. Acaba de ver “Cisne Negro”.

“En México hay más de 30,000 muertos por esta guerra del narcotráfico, cientos por semana, y nadie parece impresionarse mucho. Pero Natalie Portman se tira un pellejito del costado de la uña y todo el público grita como si realmente alguien estuviese siendo degollado”.
Ciudad de México, febrero 2011

 A friend comes angry from the movies. She’s just seen “Black Swan”.

“In Mexico there are more than 30,000 dead because of this drug war, hundreds a week, and nobody seems very impressed. But Natalie Portman pulls a tiny piece of skin from the side of her nail and everybody in the audience screams as if someone were really being slaughtered.

Mexico City, Feb 2011

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